
我正在写一个Rake脚本,它包含带参数的任务。 我想出了如何传递参数以及如何使任务依赖于其他任务。

task :parent, [:parent_argument1, :parent_argument2, :parent_argument3] => [:child1, :child2] do # Perform Parent Task Functionalities end task :child1, [:child1_argument1, :child1_argument2] do |t, args| # Perform Child1 Task Functionalities end task :child2, [:child2_argument1, :child2_argument2] do |t, args| # Perform Child2 Task Functionalities end 
  • 我可以将参数从父任务传递给子任务吗?
  • 有没有办法让子任务变为私有,所以不能独立调用它们?


  1. 使用Rake对参数的内置支持:

     # accepts argument :one and depends on the :second task. task :first, [:one] => :second do |t, args| puts args.inspect # => '{ :one => "one" }' end # argument :one was automagically passed from task :first. task :second, :one do |t, args| puts args.inspect # => '{ :one => "one" }' end $ rake first[one] 
  2. 通过Rake::Task#invoke直接调用任务:

     # accepts arguments :one, :two and passes them to the :second task. task :first, :one, :two do |t, args| puts args.inspect # => '{ :one => "1", :two => "2" }' task(:second).invoke(args[:one], args[:two]) end # accepts arguments :third, :fourth which got passed via #invoke. # notice that arguments are passed by position rather than name. task :second, :third, :fourth do |t, args| puts args.inspect # => '{ :third => "1", :fourth => "2" }' end $ rake first[1, 2] 
  3. 另一种解决方案是使用补丁Rake的主要应用程序对象Rake :: Application

     class Rake::Application attr_accessor :my_data end task :first => :second do puts Rake.application.my_data # => "second" end task :second => :third do puts Rake.application.my_data # => "third" Rake.application.my_data = "second" end task :third do Rake.application.my_data = "third" end $ rake first 



 # set the attribute I want to use in another task task :buy_puppy, [:name] do |_, args| name = args[:name] || 'Rover' @dog = Dog.new(name) end # task I actually want to run task :walk_dog => :buy_puppy do @dog.walk end