是Rails 3.1 Edge打破XmlMarkup :: Builder?

网上有很多例子(例如http://techoctave.com/c7/posts/32-create-an-rss-feed-in-rails ),展示了如何使用Builder制作精美的RSS源。 规范模板是这样的:

xml.instruct! :xml, :version => "1.0" xml.rss :version => "2.0" do xml.channel do xml.title "Your Blog Title" xml.description "A blog about software and chocolate" xml.link posts_url for post in @posts xml.item do xml.title post.title xml.description post.content xml.pubDate post.posted_at.to_s(:rfc822) xml.link post_url(post) xml.guid post_url(post) end end end 

这在Rails 3.0.7中工作正常。 在Rails 3.1 Edge中,每个命令似乎都会产生……

 Rendered home/index.rss.builder (25.2ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 875ms ActionView::Template::Error (wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)): 1: xml.instruct!(:xml, :encoding => "UTF-8") 2: 3: xml.rss :version => "2.0" do 4: xml.channel do app/views/home/index.rss.builder:1:in `_app_views_home_index_rss_builder___2123990471_2215695900' app/controllers/home_controller.rb:17:in `index' app/controllers/home_controller.rb:11:in `index' 

Rails 3.1.0.rc1也为这个bug打破了我,但只有在使用Ruby 1.8.7时 – 结果certificate它是.instruct!的问题.instruct!

作为临时解决方案,您可以使用以下内容进行monkeypatch xchar.rb(如本文作者所建议的那样http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-ruby-extras-maintainers/2010-June/005411。 HTML ):

 --- /home/prahal/xmlbase.rb.orig 2010-06-03 11:18:38.000000000 +0200 +++ /home/prahal/xmlbase.rb.new 2010-06-03 11:18:53.000000000 +0200 @@ -131,7 +131,11 @@ end else def _escape(text) - text.to_xs((@encoding != 'utf-8' or $KCODE != 'UTF8')) + begin + text.to_xs((@encoding != 'utf-8' or $KCODE != 'UTF8')) + rescue + text.to_xs() + end end end 

如果你同时安装了Builder 3.0和fast_xs 0.8.0,你也会得到这个错误(请注意,hpricot捆绑了fast_xs 0.8.0)


 class String alias_method :orig_fast_xs, :fast_xs def fast_xs(ignore) orig_fast_xs end end