
我一直在尝试为忘记密码的用户添加密码重置。 用户点击忘记密码? 在注册页面上。 然后,用户键入他们的电子邮件并单击重置密码,这会创建一个令牌并发送一封电子邮件,其中包含重置密码的链接。 在大多数情况下,它只适用于电子邮箱是空白的或者只有6个随机字母/数字,但是当用户输入他的电子邮件并单击密码重置时它不起作用,它会显示错误消息:

**Validation failed: Password can't be blank Password cant be blank, password is too short(6 min)** 

通过更改user.rb validation:password,presence:true,length:{minimum:6}validation:password_confirmation,presence:true


 app/models/user.rb:30:in `send_password_reset' app/controllers/password_resets_controller.rb:7:in `create' 

在video275中我是如何测试的。 在11:20

失败/错误:click_button“重置密码”ActiveRecord :: RecordInvalid:validation失败:密码不能为空,密码太短(最少6个字符),密码确认不能为空

  # ./app/models/user.rb:30:in `send_password_reset' # ./app/controllers/password_resets_controller.rb:7:in `create' # (eval):2:in `click_button' # ./spec/requests/password_resets_spec.rb:9:in `block (2 levels) in ' 




  # == Schema Information # # Table name: users # # id :integer not null, primary key # name :string(255) # email :string(255) # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # class User  self[column]) end def self.search(search) if search find(:all, :conditions => ['name LIKE ?', "%#{search}%"]) else find(:all) end end private def create_remember_token self.remember_token = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64 end end 


  class PasswordResetsController  "Email sent with password reset instructions." end def edit @user = User.find_by_password_reset_token!(params[:id]) end end 


  require 'spec_helper' describe "PasswordResets" do it "emails user when requesting password reset" do user = Factory(:user) visit signin_path click_link "password" fill_in "Email", :with => user.email click_button "Reset Password" current_path.should eq(root_path) page.should have_content("Email sent") last_email.to.should include(user.email) end end 


  # == Schema Information # # Table name: users # # id :integer not null, primary key # name :string(255) # email :string(255) # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # require 'spec_helper' describe User do describe "#send_password_reset" do let(:user) { Factory(:user) } it "generates a unique password_reset_token each time" do user.send_password_reset last_token = user.password_reset_token user.send_password_reset user.password_reset_token.should_not eq(last_token) end it "saves the time the password reset was sent" do user.send_password_reset user.reload.password_reset_sent_at.should be_present end it "delivers email to user" do user.send_password_reset last_email.to.should include(user.email) end end before do @user = User.new(name: "Example User", email: "user@example.com", password: "foobar", password_confirmation: "foobar") end subject { @user } it { should respond_to(:name) } it { should respond_to(:email) } it { should respond_to(:password_digest) } it { should respond_to(:password) } it { should respond_to(:password_confirmation) } it { should respond_to(:remember_token) } it { should respond_to(:authenticate) } it { should respond_to(:admin) } it { should respond_to(:authenticate) } it { should be_valid } it { should_not be_admin } describe "with admin attribute set to 'true'" do before { @user.toggle!(:admin) } it { should be_admin } end describe "when name is not present" do before { @user.name = " " } it { should_not be_valid } end describe "when email is not present" do before { @user.email = " " } it { should_not be_valid } end describe "when name is too long" do before { @user.name = "a" * 51 } it { should_not be_valid } end describe "when email format is invalid" do it "should be invalid" do addresses = %w[user@foo,com user_at_foo.org example.user@foo. foo@bar_baz.com foo@bar+baz.com] addresses.each do |invalid_address| @user.email = invalid_address @user.should_not be_valid end end end describe "when email format is valid" do it "should be valid" do addresses = %w[user@foo.COM A_US-ER@fborg frst.lst@foo.jp a+b@baz.cn] addresses.each do |valid_address| @user.email = valid_address @user.should be_valid end end end describe "when email address is already taken" do before do user_with_same_email = @user.dup user_with_same_email.email = @user.email.upcase user_with_same_email.save end it { should_not be_valid } end describe "email address with mixed case" do let(:mixed_case_email) { "Foo@ExAMPle.CoM" } it "should be saved as all lower-case" do @user.email = mixed_case_email @user.save @user.reload.email.should == mixed_case_email.downcase end end describe "when password is not present" do before { @user.password = @user.password_confirmation = " " } it { should_not be_valid } end describe "when password doesn't match confirmation" do before { @user.password_confirmation = "mismatch" } it { should_not be_valid } end describe "when password confirmation is nil" do before { @user.password_confirmation = nil } it { should_not be_valid } end it { should respond_to(:authenticate) } describe "with a password that's too short" do before { @user.password = @user.password_confirmation = "a" * 5 } it { should be_invalid } end describe "return value of authenticate method" do before { @user.save } let(:found_user) { User.find_by_email(@user.email) } describe "with valid password" do it { should == found_user.authenticate(@user.password) } end describe "with invalid password" do let(:user_for_invalid_password) { found_user.authenticate("invalid") } it { should_not == user_for_invalid_password } specify { user_for_invalid_password.should be_false } end end describe "remember token" do before { @user.save } its(:remember_token) { should_not be_blank } end end 

乍一看,重置密码时,您的代码正在尝试保存空白密码(因此您的错误)。 尝试使用logger.debug一次调试一行,尝试找到您的代码在保存之前使密码无效的位置。 我没有使用UserMailer,但看起来错误是UserMailer.password_reset(self).deliver行。 如果你编写了这个方法,我先看一下调试方法。 如果它是自动的,请尝试并调试为邮件程序设置所有参数的部分,以生成令牌并重置密码。





 save!(validate: false) 

一切都会奏效。 问题是您试图保存模型并且validation正在干扰。 您不需要在send_password_reset方法中validation任何内容,因为用户没有生成任何内容,因此不存在将无效信息保存到数据库的危险。