Rails 4.1强制ActionMailer返回其他值

如何强制在ActionMailer方法中返回另一个值。 例:

class TestMailer < ActionMailer::Base extend MandrillApi def index(email, code) @code = code result = MandrillApi.send({subject: t('test.index.subject'), to: email, template: render_to_string}) return result end end 

在这种情况下,我使用ActionMailer渲染模板(render_to_string)并将变量传递给视图,但我需要从MandrillApi模块获取结果值。 当我调用方法TestMailer.index("xxxx@gmail.com", "asdf123") ,返回值为#


为该任务创建单独的类(不是ActionMailer::Base的后代)。 ActionMailer将从其邮件程序操作重写返回值。

您可以使用render_anywhere gem作为解决方案:

 require 'render_anywhere' class MandrilMailer extend MandrillApi include RenderAnywhere # We need that for 't' i18n helper to work include ActionView::Helpers::TranslationHelper class RenderingController < RenderAnywhere::RenderingController # we can use that for url_helpers to work properly def default_url_options host = {'production' => 'production.example.org', 'development' => 'development.example.org'}[Rails.env] {host: host} end # alternatively, you can add this line inside you config/environments/*.rb files, setting your own host: # Rails.application.routes.default_url_options[:host] = 'example.org' end def index(email, code) # 'render' is a RenderAnywhere call MandrilApi.send({subject: t('test.index.subject'), to: email, template: render(template: 'test_mailer/index', locals: {code: code}, layout: false)}) end end MandrilMailer.new.index("user@example.org", "asdf123") # => result of MandrilApi.send