

rake db:migrate *** [] rake aborted! *** [] An error has occurred, this and all later migrations canceled: *** [] *** [] PG::Error: ERROR: deadlock detected *** [] DETAIL: Process 33319 waits for AccessExclusiveLock on relation 18486 of database 16948; blocked by process 29772. *** [] Process 29772 waits for ShareLock on transaction 8652; blocked by process 33319. *** [] HINT: See server log for query details. *** [] : ALTER TABLE "topics" DROP "most_recent_post_id" *** [] *** [] Tasks: TOP => db:migrate *** [] (See full trace by running task with --trace) ** [] == RemoveMostRecentPostsColumnsOnTopics: migrating ** [] Updated 56875150 rows out of 568715 tries ** [] -- remove_column(:topics, :most_recent_post_id) 


 def self.up rows_updated = 0 rows_tried = 0 Topic.find(:all).each do |topic| rows_tried += 1 rows_updated += 1 if topic.update_attribute :updated_at, topic.most_recent_post_created_at end puts "Updated #{rows_updated} rows out of #{rows_tried} tries" remove_column :topics, :most_recent_post_id remove_column :topics, :most_recent_post_created_at end 

然后我尝试将其作为显式锁,但在搜索有关问题的信息时,我意识到ALTER TABLE已经使用ACCESS EXCLUSIVE锁锁定表,根据这个: http : //www.postgresql.org/docs /9.1/static/explicit-locking.html



 Process 33319 waits for AccessExclusiveLock on relation 18486 of database 16948; blocked by process 29772. Process 29772 waits for ShareLock on transaction 8652; blocked by process 33319. 

其中之一是您的迁移任务。 我假设另一个是你的服务器。 我建议:

  • 如果您正在运行开发环境,请退出服务器,运行迁移并重新启动服务器。
  • 如果您正在运行生产环境并且需要运行期望经常运行迁移,则可以将#migrate方法添加到服务器应用程序,以便它在同一进程中运行。

(老实说,我刚开始在多处理环境中深入研究PostgreSQL – 如果我了解更多,我会发布一个更好的答案。)