

output { elasticsearch { embedded => false host => localhost port => 9200 protocol => http cluster => 'elasticsearch' index => "syslog-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}" } } 

我的问题是,在UTC午夜,Logstash在一天结束之前在时区(GMT-4 => America / Montreal)发送日志到不同的索引,并且由于“时间戳”,索引在20h(晚上8点)之后没有日志“是UTC。


 filter { mutate { add_field => { # Create a new field with string value of the UTC event date "timestamp_zoned" => "%{@timestamp}" } } date { # Parse UTC string value and convert it to my timezone into a new field match => [ "timestamp_zoned", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z" ] timezone => "America/Montreal" locale => "en" remove_field => [ "timestamp_zoned" ] target => "timestamp_zoned_obj" } ruby { # Output the zoned date to a new field code => "event['index_day'] = event['timestamp_zoned_obj'].strftime('%Y.%m.%d')" remove_field => [ "timestamp_zoned_obj" ] } } output { elasticsearch { embedded => false host => localhost port => 9200 protocol => http cluster => 'elasticsearch' # Use of the string value index => "syslog-%{index_day}" } } 



您不需要使用mutatedate插件。 直接使用ruby插件。

 input { stdin { } } filter { ruby { code => " event['index_day'] = event['@timestamp'].localtime.strftime('%Y.%m.%d') " } } output { stdout { codec => rubydebug } } 


 { "message" => "test", "@version" => "1", "@timestamp" => "2015-03-30T05:27:06.310Z", "host" => "BEN_LIM", "index_day" => "2015.03.29" } 

在1.5.0版中,我们可以按索引名称的本地时区转换时间戳。 这是我的配置:

 filter { ruby { code => "event['index_day'] = event.timestamp.time.localtime.strftime('%Y.%m.%d')" } } output { elasticsearch { host => localhost index => "thrall-%{index_day}" } } 

在Logstash V5.0.2中,API已被修改。 我们可以通过本地时区为时间戳转换索引名称。 这是我的配置:

 filter { ruby { code => "event['index_day'] = event.timestamp.time.localtime.strftime('%Y.%m.%d')" } } 

在logstash 5.0及更高版本中 ,您可以使用以下命令:

 filter{ ruby { code => "event.set('index_day', event.get('[@timestamp]').time.localtime.strftime('%Y%m%d'))" } }