
我正在使用黄瓜+水豚进行一些网络自动化测试。 我希望能够连接我自己的标签(类似于场景之前的@all_browsers)并让它针对我设置的网络驱动程序列表运行(快速,firefox上的selenium,即Chrome和Chrome)。 我不想在前面用4个不同的标签写4个不同时间的场景。 我试着通过我注册的新驱动程序来尝试这样做:

Capybara.register_driver :all_browsers do |app| # What would even work in here? I don't think anything will. end 


 Before('@all_browsers') do # Same problem here. end 



 Around('@all_browsers') do |scenario, block| Capybara.current_driver = :selenium_firefox block.call Capybara.current_driver = :selenium_chrome block.call # etc end 

但这并不像我希望的那样。 它使用相同的驱动程序并使用它运行场景两次。

You may also provide an AfterConfiguration hook that will be run after Cucumber has been configured. This hook will run only once; after support has been loaded but before features are loaded. You can use this hook to extend Cucumber, for example you could affect how features are loaded...

我已经研究过自定义格式化程序,但它们看起来确实只是这样 – 格式化输出,而不是指定function实际运行的方式。

请帮忙? 任何人?

所以,我结束了自己的解决方案。 不确定它是最好还是最优雅的方法,但实际上我刚刚结束:

  1. 将所有常见环境内容抽象为env.rb
  2. 使用需要env.rb的特定环境文件(例如firefox.rb)的Cucumber配置文件,然后将env.rb的默认驱动程序设置为适当的驱动程序。
  3. 写了一个很棒的大学课程,其任务包括一堆黄瓜命令,然后召唤出一个有着正确轮廓的坏男孩。
  4. 写了一个’all_browsers’任务捆绑了命令,然后调用每个特定的驱动程序任务,所以我现在可以有一个任务运行我在所有支持的驱动程序上提供的任何一组场景。

工作就像一个魅力,我认为最终可能实际上比我上面尝试的任何东西更好,因为在Thor文件中我能够添加像基准测试选项,以及是否拆分function运行多个线程。 仍然很好奇,如果有人想出一个解决方案,但是。

在这里,all_features文件只执行以.feature结尾的所有内容,因为如果我拉入整个function目录,它会拉入其下的所有内容,包括所有配置文件等,这不是我想要的,因为每个配置文件将默认的capybara驱动程序设置为其他值。 一旦指定-r作为黄瓜的选项, 任何文件的所有自动加载都将停止。

 default: --format pretty chrome: --format pretty -r features/support/profiles/chrome.rb -r features/all_features -r features/step_definitions firefox: --format pretty -r features/support/profiles/firefox.rb -r features/all_features -r features/step_definitions celerity: --format pretty -r features/support/profiles/celerity.rb -r features/all_features -r features/step_definitions 


 require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../env.rb" Capybara.configure do |config| config.default_driver = :selenium_firefox end 


 # Register a specific selenium driver for firefox Capybara.register_driver :selenium_firefox do |app| Capybara::Driver::Selenium.new(app, :browser => :firefox) end # Allows the use of a tag @selenium_firefox before a scenario to run it in selenium with firefox Before('@selenium_firefox') do Capybara.current_driver = :selenium_firefox end 


 require 'benchmark' class FeatureRunner < Thor APP_ROOT = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../") # One place to keep all the common feature runner options, since every runner in here uses them. # Modify here, and all runners below will reflect the changes, as they all call this proc. feature_runner_options = lambda { method_option :verbose, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :aliases => "-v" method_option :tags, :type => :string method_option :formatter, :type => :string method_option :other_cucumber_args, :type => :string } desc "all_drivers_runner", "Run features in all available browsers" method_option :benchmark, :type => :boolean, :default => false method_option :threaded, :type => :boolean, :default => true feature_runner_options.call # Set up common feature runner options defined above def all_drivers_runner if options[:threaded] feature_run = lambda { thread_pool = [] t = Thread.new do |n| invoke :firefox_runner end thread_pool << t t = Thread.new do |n| invoke :chrome_runner end thread_pool << t t = Thread.new do |n| invoke :celerity_runner end thread_pool << t thread_pool.each {|th| th.join} } else feature_run = lambda { invoke "feature_runner:firefox_runner", options invoke "feature_runner:chrome_runner", options invoke "feature_runner:celerity_runner", options } end if options[:benchmark] puts "Benchmarking feature run" measure = Benchmark.measure { feature_run.call } puts "Benchmark Results (in seconds):" puts "CPU Time: #{measure.utime}" puts "System CPU TIME: #{measure.stime}" puts "Elasped Real Time: #{measure.real}" else feature_run.call end end desc "firefox_runner", "Run features on firefox" feature_runner_options.call # Set up common feature runner options defined above def firefox_runner command = build_cucumber_command("firefox", options) run_command(command, options[:verbose]) end desc "chrome_runner", "Run features on chrome" feature_runner_options.call # Set up common feature runner options defined above def chrome_runner command = build_cucumber_command("chrome", options) run_command(command, options[:verbose]) end desc "celerity_runner", "Run features on celerity" feature_runner_options.call # Set up common feature runner options defined above def celerity_runner command = build_cucumber_command("celerity", options) run_command(command, options[:verbose]) end private def build_cucumber_command(profile, options) command = "cd #{APP_ROOT} && ./bin/cucumber -p #{profile}" command += " --tags=#{options[:tags]}" if options[:tags] command += " --formatter=#{options[:formatter]}" if options[:formatter] command += " #{options[:other_cucumber_args]}" if options[:other_cucumber_args] command end def run_command(command, verbose) puts "Running: #{command}" if verbose output = `#{command}` puts output if verbose end end 


 . |____cucumber.yml |____features | |____all_features.rb | |____google_search.feature | |____step_definitions | | |____google_steps.rb | | |____web_steps.rb | |____support | | |____custom_formatters | | | |____blah.rb | | |____env.rb | | |____paths.rb | | |____profiles | | | |____celerity.rb | | | |____chrome.rb | | | |____firefox.rb | | |____selenium_drivers | | | |____selenium_chrome.rb | | | |____selenium_firefox.rb | | | |____selenium_ie.rb | | | |____selenium_remote.rb | | |____selenium_drivers.rb |____tasks | |____feature_runner.thor | |____server_task.rb 

输出thor -T

 feature_runner -------------- thor feature_runner:all_drivers_runner # Run features in all available browsers thor feature_runner:celerity_runner # Run features on celerity thor feature_runner:chrome_runner # Run features on chrome thor feature_runner:firefox_runner # Run features on firefox 

thor feature_runner:all_drivers_runner --benchmark

thor feature_runner:celerity_runner

--other_cucumber_args="--dry-run --guess --etc"


 Feature: Start up browser @all_browsers Scenario: Search Google Given I am on the home page When I fill in the search bar with "Capybara" And I press "Search" Then I should see "Capybara" 

thor feature_runner:all_drivers_runner --threaded --tags=@all_browsers

thor feature_runner:celerity_runner --tags=@smoke_test

这可以通过SauceLabs的托管服务实现。 Cucumber Sauce gem为您提供并行的多浏览器测试。



  1. 将每个场景放入其自己的function文件中。
  2. 将每行但最后一行移到“背景:”部分。
  3. 将最后一行放入每个浏览器的场景中
  4. 适当地标记每个场景

     Feature: a feature Background: Given a user "Jim" exists Given a user "Mike" exists When I login as "mike" And I follow "Lesson 1" And I follow "Upload a video" Then "#upload_a_video" should be active And I fill in "video_title" with "my film" And I attach the file "video.mov" to "video_upload" And I press "Post" Scenario: normal And I should see "my film" @javascript Scenario: javascript And I should see "my film" 

我按照’watir’项目推荐的方式来做。 我在我的Rakefile中使用require parallel_cucumber ,然后每个Cucumber场景都有自己的并行线程(在这种情况下最多20个):

 task :run_cucumber do FileUtils.mkpath(ENV['OUT_DIR']) begin # cannot format report as HTML because of parallel forking threads = 20 @result = system "parallel_cucumber features -o \"--format junit --out #{ENV['OUT_DIR']} --format pretty --tag @sauce\" -n #{threads}" ensure @success &= @result end end 

然后,你的黄瓜项目的剩余部分可以像往常一样写! 很简单! 我在这里的完整示例: https : //github.com/djangofan/cuke-parallel-starter