Ruby Minitest:套件级或类级设置?

使用内置的Ruby Minitest框架,有没有办法在整个套件运行之前运行一些代码,甚至在整个TestClass运行之前运行一次? 我在这个问题的答案中看到Test :: Unit :: after_tests可用于在所有测试运行后运行代码; 是否有类似的方法在所有测试运行之前运行代码?



这是从MiniTest 文档 (在可自定义的测试运行器类型下)修改的。

class Burger def initialize puts "YOU CREATED A BURGER" end def has_cheese? true end def has_pickle? false end end gem 'minitest' require 'minitest/unit' MiniTest::Unit.autorun class MyMiniTest class Unit < MiniTest::Unit def before_suites # code to run before the first test p "Before everything" end def after_suites # code to run after the last test p "After everything" end def _run_suites(suites, type) begin before_suites super(suites, type) ensure after_suites end end def _run_suite(suite, type) begin suite.before_suite if suite.respond_to?(:before_suite) super(suite, type) ensure suite.after_suite if suite.respond_to?(:after_suite) end end end end MiniTest::Unit.runner = class BurgerTest < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase def self.before_suite p "hi" end def self.after_suite p "bye" end def setup @burger = end def test_has_cheese assert_equal true, @burger.has_cheese? end def test_has_pickle assert_equal false, @burger.has_pickle? end end 

请注意,我使用gem 'minitest'来使用gem而不是没有MiniTest::Unit.runner方法的捆绑版本。 这是输出。

 Run options: --seed 49053 # Running tests: "Before everything" "hi" YOU CREATED A BURGER .YOU CREATED A BURGER ."bye" "After everything" Finished tests in 0.000662s, 3021.1480 tests/s, 3021.1480 assertions/s. 2 tests, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips 




以下是使用MiniTest 5.5.1和Watir的示例:

 class CoolTests < Minitest::Test @@setupComplete = false # tracks whether 1-time setup has completed, so we only instantiate a browser and dependent pages/modules one time per suite run @@testsRun = 0 # tracks how many tests have run so we can close the browser when all tests complete def setup # Minitest#setup runs before every #test method @@testsRun+=1 # increment tetsRun indicating that a test has run if (!@@setupComplete) # we load the browser and necessary page objects here one-time if we haven't already @@driver = :chrome # instantiate new chrome browser @@driver.window.maximize # maximize the browser window so we expect to test against Desktop UI/UX rather than Mobile UI/UX @@setupComplete = true # setupComplete is now true as we've loaded up everything we need for our tests end end def teardown # Minitest#teardown runs after every #test method if (@@testsRun == CoolTests.runnable_methods.length) # if we've run all the tests in the suite we are finished and can then close the browser @@driver.quit end end #Tests def test_one p __method__ @@driver.goto('') assert_equal 'Google', @@driver.title, 'browser should be at' end def test_two p __method__ @@driver.goto('') assert_equal 'Bing', @@driver.title, 'browser should be at' end