

This is text in the TD with strong tags

This is a child node. with bold tags

"another line of text to a link "

This is text inside a div inside another div inside a paragraph tag


 "This is text in the TD with  strong  tags" "This is a child node. with  bold  tags" "another line of text to a  link " "This is text inside a div inside another div inside a paragraph tag" 


添加细节:Sanitize看起来像一个有趣的gem,我现在正在读它。 但是,有一些额外的信息可能会澄清我需要做什么。

我需要遍历每个节点,获取文本,处理它并将其放回原处。 因此,我会抓住文本,“这是带有标签的TD中的文字”,将其修改为类似“这是TD中带有标签的修改后的文本。然后转到div 1中的下一个标签获取

文本。 “这是一个子节点。带有粗体标签”修改它“这是一个修改过的子节点。带有粗体标签。” 并把它放回去。 转到下一个div#2并抓取文本,“另一行文本到链接”,修改它,“另一行修改后的文本到链接”,并将其放回并转到下一个节点,Div#2并抓取段落标签中的文字。 “这是在段落标记内的另一个div内的div内修改的文本”


This is modified text in the TD with strong tags

This is a modified child node. with bold tags

"another line of modified text to a link "

This is modified text inside a div inside another div inside a paragraph tag

我的准代码,但我真的坚持这两个部分,只使用格式化文本(清理帮助),但清理抓取所有标签。 我需要保留格式化文本的格式,包括空格等。但是,不要抓住不相关的标记子项。 两个,遍历所有与全文标签直接相关的孩子。

 #Quasi-code doc = Nokogiri.HTML(html)'div#1') text_kids=kids.descendant_elements do |i| #grab full text(full sentence and paragraphs) with formating tags #currently, I have not way to grab just the text with formatting and not the other tags modified_text=processing_code(i.full_text_w_formating()) i.full_text_w_formating=modified_text end def processing_code(string) #code to process string (not relevant for this example) return modified_string end # Recursive 1 class Nokogiri::XML::Node def descendant_elements #This is flawed because it grabs every child and even #splits it based on any tag. # I need to traverse down only the text related children.{ |kid| [kid, kid.descendant_elements] }.flatten end end 


 require 'nokogiri' require 'sanitize' html = ' 
This is text in the TD with strong tags

This is a child node. with bold tags

"another line of text to a link "

This is text inside a div inside another div inside a paragraph tag

' doc = Nokogiri.HTML(html) html_fragment ='div#1').to_html



  This is text in the TD with  strong  tags 

This is a child node. with bold tags

"another line of text to a link "

This is text inside a div inside another div inside a paragraph tag

尾随是两个打开标记的结果。 这可能是故意的,但没有结束标签,Nokogiri会做一些修正来使HTML正确。

html_fragment传递给Sanitize gem:

 doc = Sanitize.clean( html_fragment, :elements => %w[ ab em strong ], :attributes => { 'a' => %w[ href ], }, ) 


  This is text in the TD with  strong  tags This is a child node. with  bold  tags "another line of text to a  link " This is text inside a div inside another div inside a paragraph tag  
